For our first book review, Couvre x Chefs presents Bonne Gueule’s men’s fashion guide
At Couvre x Chef, we don’t tell you enough about physical works (and we apologize for that). To change this, we’ve chosen to review a book (only available in French) : The Guide dedicated to the Stylish Man (even badly shaved), written by Benoit Wojtenka and Geoffrey Bruyère, the founders of the french men’s fashion magazine

The authors’ aim ? Help you clear your mind and find your way in the men’s fashion jungle. The blog is addressed to the starters, looking to define their style, as well as to those who master their fashion identity already, and are looking for advanced advices. This is the reason why the blog is so interesting : everybody gets his share of infos. You can learn how to recognize quality shirt/jeans, how to pick a blazer that actually fits your size, or how to better your dressing style in order to make it look more natural and coherent with your personality. They also feature new brands with interesting price-to-quality ratios, useful to avoid the classical Celio or Zara lines.
BonneGueule has a single leitmotiv : provide quality content. Wether dealing with the different types of soft-leather, or Japanese denim canvas, every article offers a rich and precise content. Perfect to enrich one’s fashion culture !
Until now, the entirety of those advices were gathered in a e-book, available for sale on the blog. But from now on, you can also find them in this physical book (made out of paper, thus), published by the Pyramid editions. The book includes 4 distinct parts :
- The basic of men’s fashion : how to choose clothes that fits your size, identify the wardrobe basics, associate the colors correctly, maintain your clothes.
- Operation smart shopping : learn how to identify your needs, respect your budget and build your wardrobe smartly.
- The wardrobe essentials : to assimilate and master every pieces of your dress (shirt, jeans, shoes, etc.)
- Go further on the style-way : learn how to improve your dress by playing on the colors/materials, make use of accessories…

Each part comes along an interview with a clothes-brand creator (Husbands, La Comédie Humaine,..) who expresses his views on the fashion industry and his definition of “nice clothes”. You can also find, at the end of the book, a practical memo which sums up the most important advices given in the book and a listing of some good shopping places in Paris and other cities in France. You’ll even find Couvre x Chefs in, part of the best websites to visit !
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