L’Eden Moderne – Nino Ice, The New Garden of Eden [EP]

We’ve just heard him on La Traversée from Ripklaw, that Nino Ice is already back in the headlines, on label Noircity, revisiting the garden of Eden.

In only 5 tracks, the young composer proves once again the deepness of his universe. The tracks kinda oscillate between bass blasts, (a genre not far from Lone’s on Whisper of God or Forbidden Fruit), cinematographic ballad and hip-hop 2.0. Knowing Nino Ice’s work from some MCs (Rip, or James Lega), we could have expected an 100% beatmaking EP, but this isn’t so, The New Garden of Eden is indeed an assortment of various kind of electronic music disc.

Go grab this cd from the future on Noircity’s bandcamp, it’s free.

Our fav’ : Exile, a mix of both old school beats and contemporary sounds from Nino Ice.