C’est quoi ça?
The answer to this question (what is this?) is pretty much the following: Qwasa Qwasa (Levi Adriaenssens) is a young producer of electronic music that brilliantly mixes African, Latin and Asian sounds. In production as in DJing, it does not enclose in any genre to offer a real musical cocktail, passing from the Jersey club to Soukous music, Hip Hop to Salsa.
With his already mature approach to sampling and production, Qwasa Qwasa has managed to create a unique style, which prompted the label Lowup Records to welcome him with open arms, and to publish on February 9th his first EP.
If you are in Brussels on Thursday, dont miss the release party at “Bonnefooi invites Lowup”.
Kiss Me, by Qwasa Qwasa
After a remix of Mask Off as a presentation, Lowup publishes “C’est quoi ça?”, a three-track EP. We present here Kiss Me, a piece with the atmosphere of a Sunday family party in the sun.