Southfrap Alliance presents Southfrap Vol. 1 “Dans tes Morts”
Marseille has been known for a few years now for very inventive collectives, like Metaphore Collectif or Twerkistan, who organize very beautiful and more or less wild festivals here or elsewhere in the various arrondissements of the most hybrid city and without a doubt the angriest. of France.

Imagine a little now, the largest wild teuf (party, ed) organized in Marseille, at every corner of a huge place, a sound system, a crew from the south, with its influences, its hybridizations, its songs, its basses, its sound. Imagine all that together in a single compilation with a single word: frap (hit, ed) and beating.
It’s a bit of the bias of the Southfrap Alliance compilation, and it’s fucking good, vnr and dtr, but damn good.
Southfrap Alliance presents: Southfrap Vol. 1 “Dans tes Morts”
We fin together in the compilation mashup regulars from organizers of parties like Bogoss Lacoste, DJs like DJ 13NRV, whose moniker is really what is called a performative statement, most used to techno high bpm, Knut Vandekerkhove of LLLClub, or the hardcore of rave with Nidhogg, as much as that it types, and it just type. In the middle of all edits Kenny Arnaka, Iam or Jul, boosted with Casual Gabberz frapcore style, tropical bass, pure gabber, ultra-hardcore edgy, or weird and bizarre styles but always monstrous and well frap.
17 titles, to make Marseille the capital of a sound of the south that has nothing to envy to that of the “capital”, on the contrary. It’s hybrid, it’s strong, it’s high, it sucks well the speakers, there are also influences very HiedraH/NAAFI, that stuff more Eurodance, frapcore, hardcore, rave, tropical, in short, an endless mix to produce a hard sound, a hybrid sound, inventive and exciting, a southern sound.
From there to imagine the creation of a real Southfrap Alliance as the sensitive party in an edgy way to share and party, there may be only one step, to the pleasure of a little southfrap in creeks or vacant lots of south or another.
The compilation Southfrap Vol. 1 – “Dans tes Morts” de Southfrap Alliance is available since Thursday on Bandcamp.
Southfrap Alliance SoundCloud Bandcamp Free DL compil
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